One-Day Training (Face to Face On-site, Public course, Virtual Remote training is available)

Doing Business Better offers:

  • One day training in 5S in the Office (training, case studies, photos, videos, templates)

  • Consulting to train and provide hands-on assistance in the implementation of 5S in the Office in your workplace.   

5S is a 5-step process aimed at reducing wasted time and optimising productivity through maintaining an orderly workplace and using visual cues to achieve more consistent operational results. 5S saves time and effort searching for documents or items, it boosts productivity and supports a safer workplace. A more orderly workplace leads to a safer workplace.

5S is a simple and easy to implement productivity improvement technique that facilitates and sustains an organised workplace to eliminate wasted time and effort searching, looking or asking where to find documents, information or equipment.

5S provides businesses with the opportunity to save time and money now by organising the workplace so they eliminate clutter, enable staff to find what they require to do their job immediately, improve visual management so that staff can see where to find parts, equipment, documentation and files first time, every time. 

Course Summary

The one-day 5S in the Office workshop is designed to provide participants with a structured and systematic approach to productivity improvement which can be implemented immediately in the workplace.

The training, discussion, examples and templates provided will enable participants to have the awareness and understanding to commence implementing 5S in the Office. 

The workshop will provide each participant with a workbook and accompanying templates.  

Course Outline

This one-day workshop provides participants with training, case studies, photographic and video examples, tools and templates to implement 5S in their workplace. 

First session

Introduces participants to What is 5S? Where did it originate? What are the benefits of 5S implementation? Video play of What is 5S? We also prepare a baseline 5S audit. 

During this opening session, participants identify areas of lost productivity in the workplace and make an estimate of potential savings and benefits through having an organised and orderly workplace layout. 

Second session

S1 – Sort. What is it? Explanation of S1 Sort step. Present, discuss and demonstrate through real life photographs on how to do Sort.  Discuss and agree on a communal area to Create a Red Tag Area. Discuss, agree and document disposition rules in the workplace of each participant. Participants learn the importance of having a visual workplace guided by standards, colours, lines and visual displays aimed at saving time every day.

If accessible, participants tour a workplace, examine and discuss as a group how to plan Sort in their own work areas. We may kick off spending some time implementing Sorting in order in an actual workplace to provide a practical demonstration of the Sorting approach.  

Third session

S2 – Set in Order. Training in What is Set in Order. Present, discussion and demonstrate through real life photographs on how to do Set in Order. Participants will be involved in a simulated activity to demonstrate the technique of Setting in Order. Again, participants may spend some time taking a hands on approach and begin implementing Set in Order in their workplace, if access is permissible.

Fourth session

S3, S4, S5: S3 – Shine, S4 – Standardise, S5- Sustain. During the fourth session, participants will be trained in how to perform Shine, Standardise and Sustain. Photographs and case studies will be presented and discussed on how to implement Shine, Standardise and Shine in the workplace. Participants complete a Shine Roster ready for implementation and in groups complete the design of a tailor made Sustain audit checklist. Participants then practice the Shine and Sustain techniques. A base line performance measure is taken during the hands-on Sustain 5-minute Audit.

Fifth session

The final sessions is focused on discussion and sharing practical tips on planning and implementing 5S in an actual workplace. Together we develop an Implementation Action Plan so that participants leave the training with a tangible outcome in preparation for commencing their first step to 5S. Each participant will document their own plan to implement 5S in their immediate work area and consider wider application across the whole of their business.

Target audience

Middle Managers, New Managers, Aspiring Managers, OHS Managers, Supervisors, Managers responsible for a business process, continuous improvement, quality management and systems, process and productivity improvement, operations, finance, administrative and corporate service staff.

Course Objectives

  • Participants gain an understanding of the 5S productivity improvement method, tools and technique

  • Teach participants on how to use and implement 5S in the workplace to improve productivity and safety

  • Undertake hands-on implementation activity in the workplace

  • Provide participants with a range of techniques to implement immediately in the workplace which will save staff time today, tonight and tomorrow

  • Provide participants with a low or no cost to implement productivity improvement technique that links saving time and effort to improvements in workplace safety

  • Inform participants of over fifty productivity improvement ideas which can be implemented immediately in the workplace

  • Enable participants to engage management and staff in the simple but effective technique of 5S to reduce costs and increase productivity

  • At the end of this one-day program, each participant will have identified targeted areas for 5S productivity improvement.

  • Train and transfer the knowledge of the 5S business improvement method and benefits to participants

Course Outcomes:

  • At the completion of the one-day program, participants will have a sound understanding of the 5S productivity improvement tool and templates

  • Understanding how 5S can be applied in the participants’ workplace to save time, effort and improve workplace safety

  • Understanding how to implement 5S in the workplace

  • A high-level Action Plan to commence 5S implementation

  • A strategy to engage management and staff in implementing 5S

  • Generation of quick win productivity improvement ideas which can be easily implemented in the workplace using the 5S technique

Pre Course Activities                

No pre-course activities are mandatory.

For in-house training, we will be actively working on commencing the implementation of 5S in your workplace. You will not find a better way of learning than combining teaching with actual implementation in your workplace.

For public training, it would be beneficial if participants bring along with them to the training or email prior, some photographs of their workplace layout in the office, storeroom, meeting rooms and cupboards for discussion with other participants during the training program delivery. 

Post Course Expectation

Participants will be able to engage management and staff to explain the 5S productivity improvement methodology and be empowered to take steps to further develop in-house capability to learn to see all forms of process waste and commence using the 5S to improve productivity.

Designed for groups of up to 15 participants. The program duration is 9am – 5pm. Training can be delivered on your business site or remotely via Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

Contact us today for enquiries and booking information.