Less Work - More Results

Lean principals may have their roots in manufacturing, but their benefits are fast becoming adopted by Australian Agriculture, as forward-thinking producers look for more efficient ways of growing, handling, and selling their produce.

Lean agriculture begins with considering what problems you are trying to solve. We analyse all areas of your operation to discover waste in your production and identify what can be improved. The ultimate goal? To give you more efficient processes and gain more productivity.

Doing Business Better will help you identify areas of waste and bottlenecks within your inventory system and motion. We help identify waste in overproduction, workflow, transportation, inventory, overburden, and unused talent.

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Workshops and Training

Doing Business Better arranges nationally recognised training qualification in Agriculture which is 95%+ funded by the state government for eligible participants. We deliver Certificate IV in Agriculture which combines training with hands-on implementation and support.

We provide this certification in a unique way, by focussing on teaching you to be more competitive using operational process improvement with selected training units from Certificate IV which relate to business management and operational improvement.

Each business receives 3 - 4 hours of training per month for 8 months, and we provide 20 or more days consulting services to assist the business to implement operational process improvements, develop business cases for investment, and other support.

We are outcome focused and deliver training on site and not in a classroom. We help implement in the field after each session, and then come back between sessions to assist further training.

Stephen Grech is a Director of the Victorian Agribusiness Council. He is passionate about improving the financial performance and internal process improvement capabilities of the agriculture and agribusiness sectors to facilitate them to become more productive, create the capacity to grow, and develop a more productive and efficient operation.  

Free Business Management and Process Mapping workshop

We offer a 3 hour free business management and process mapping workshop to medium and large sized farms to learn how process mapping and continuous improvement can increase productivity, reduce costs and increase your profit every year. Contact Doing Business Better to find out more about the free workshops.

See below for more information on our training programs.

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Training Programs

For more information on our Certificate IV in Agriculture please contact us or download our program outline.

Contact Doing Business Better for case studies to be sent to your email.

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Case Studies